Ryan Repertory Company

Ryan Repertory Company will present my play, Icarus and Amina. Please see the links for further information.

Here is the website for tickets for the July 1 live show with Talk Back- https://our.show/ryan-repertory/aporialive

Here is the link to the on-demand tickets available June 25 -July 9


Icarus and Amina, was written upon reflection of the existence of an out-of-status teenager following deportation. As an ESL teacher for the past twenty-five years, I have witnessed the journeys my students and their families have taken in their quests to live an “American life”. Their paths have led some to success, while others to pain and rejection. Though many of my students have remained in the United States, some have returned to their home countries, and others have been forced to return to their countries of origin. I was inspired to write this play after reading the stories of family separations throughout the United States, including New Jersey which has a prominent Bangladeshi population that has also endured separation and deportation. I was curious about what comes of these families after returning. In this play, Amina and her family have spent years in the U.S. How will they be received when they return “home”? As a playwright, I focus on identity and home. Although this play culturally identifies its two characters, the play’s themes are intended to transcend nationality and connect with anyone and everyone who has been questioned or has questioned one’s role and purpose.

Posted in Musings.