John Andrew Morrison and Sheila Dabney in the world premiere of The War Zone is My Bed, La MaMa Experimental Theatre, New York City, Directed by George Ferencz, photo by Mark Roussel

George and I at the launch of my anthology, The War Zone is My Bed and Other Plays, La MaMa, New York
How fitting that the latest episode of Conversations with Ken and Yasmine features actor John Andrew Morrison. This episode was recorded shortly before the untimely passing of the man who introduced me to John Andrew as well as to Jenne Vath, Sheila Dabney, Jason Howard, and a group of extraordinary actors. It is a gift to meet someone who champions your writing with honesty and resolution. George Ferencz was that gift who believed in my writer’s voice and directed much of my work including the world premiere of The War Zone is My Bed.